By Farah C. / GICJ

The Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem and Israel, is holding a week of public hearings, from the 7th to the 11th of November 2022. The Commission is focusing on the closure orders and terrorism designations of a number of Palestinian human rights organisations as well as the incident surrounding the killing of the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

The 6 palestinian NGOs that were violently shut down in August 2022 testified before the Commission. The first day saw the testimonies of the Al-Haq Organization مؤسسة الحق, Defense for Children International - Palestine and Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association. On the second day, the other three NGOs, also victims of the violent crackdown of August 2022, shared their experience as well, including the Union of Palestinian Women's Committees اتحاد لجان المرأة الفلسطينية, Bisan Center for Research & Development مركز بيسان للبحوث والانماء, and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees مشاتل اتحاد لجان العمل الزراعي.

All 6 of them shared that they were not given prior warning of the terrorist designations and have not received any evidence by Israel of their supposed terrorist affiliations. They have not received prior notice regarding the raid/damages in their offices, confiscation of files, travel bans, or arrests they suffered.

Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ) appreciates and encourages the initiative from the Commission of Inquiry on the OPT. We will closely follow this week’s public hearings. Follow us to stay updated.


Stand With The 6PalestineEnd ImpunityPal Civil SocietyCommission Of InquiryUnited Nationshuman rightsGeneva4JusticeGeneva International Centre for JusticeGICJ


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