The 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
18 June – 12 July 2024
Item 6: UPR Adoptions for the Republic of Congo
8th July 2024
Statement of Meezaan Center for Human Rights and the Geneva International Center for Justice
Delivered by Marisa Were / GICJ
Thank you, Ms Vice-President.
We appreciate the report from the Working Group and commend the Republic of Congo for its efforts in promoting gender equality, protecting children and persons with disabilities, and enhancing health and education systems. The new National Development Plan, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, is an important framework for childhood-related policies.
Despite these advancements, there are still significant human rights challenges that require urgent attention, particularly in safeguarding vulnerable groups like children. As the report recommends, birth certificates must be issued free of charge to increase registration, and measures should be in place to raise awareness of their importance.
We also support the recommendation of Congo to continue with its measures to abolish forced child labour. Despite constitutional prohibitions, children under 16 are engaged in economic activities within hazardous industries. This violation of their rights demands immediate and decisive action.
Therefore, Meezaan Centre for Human Rights and Geneva International Centre for Justice urge the Republic of Congo to consider the recommendation of establishing national mechanisms to protect children’s rights within the country, starting by easing birth registration.
Moreover, we stress the need for the Republic of Congo to continue to take proactive measures to eliminate forced child labour. This includes ensuring strict monitoring to prevent violations of children's rights.
We urge the Republic of Congo to implement these recommendations. By doing so, the rights and needs of all citizens, especially the most vulnerable, will be met and protected.
Thank you.