45th Session UN Human Rights Council - Effects of Unilateral Coercive Measures in Venezuela - Natalia Brusco

"Interactive Dialogue with the Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela A/HRC/45/33"

Agenda Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council's attention

Statement by: International-Lawyers.org

23 September 2020

Thank you, President.

We took note of the report on Venezuela, which focuses on investigations conducted in regards to extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, torture, and other inhuman treatment. 

The report details that since 2014, Venezuela has experienced a gradual collapse of democratic institutions and rule of law, weakening trust between the government and its citizens, resulting in political opposition. International-Lawyers and Geneva International Centre for Justice are deeply concerned about the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela which continue to have dire implications on the enjoyment of fundamental rights, including the right to food and healthcare.

While the mission mentioned that the country’s hyperinflation and increasing shortage of food and medicine was aggravated by COVID-19, in addition to the above mentioned severe measures, this has had a disastrous impact on the pre-existing crisis of the collapsed healthcare system in Venezuela. In addition, Venezuela is experiencing shortages in basic necessities, making it impossible for the country to import certain goods. In this regard, the recent severe gasoline shortage has crippled the nation. Medical emergencies and food distribution are further aggravated by the fuel shortage, thus intensifying the impacts of the pandemic. 

Finally, we hope the fact-finding mission will urge all governments, regardless of their political position, to review the unilateral measures that help human rights violations to persist and affect the whole population in Venezuela. It is the duty of everyone to uphold international law and provide justice.

Thank you, President.

45th Session UN Human Rights Council - Effects of Unilateral Coercive Measures in Venezuela - Natalia Brusco
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"Interactive Dialogue with the Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela A/HRC/45/33"

Agenda Item 4: Human rights situations that require the Council's attention

Statement by: International-Lawyers.org

23 September 2020

Thank you, President.

We took note of the report on Venezuela, which focuses on investigations conducted in regards to extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, torture, and other inhuman treatment. 

The report details that since 2014, Venezuela has experienced a gradual collapse of democratic institutions and rule of law, weakening trust between the government and its citizens, resulting in political opposition. International-Lawyers and Geneva International Centre for Justice are deeply concerned about the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela which continue to have dire implications on the enjoyment of fundamental rights, including the right to food and healthcare.

While the mission mentioned that the country’s hyperinflation and increasing shortage of food and medicine was aggravated by COVID-19, in addition to the above mentioned severe measures, this has had a disastrous impact on the pre-existing crisis of the collapsed healthcare system in Venezuela. In addition, Venezuela is experiencing shortages in basic necessities, making it impossible for the country to import certain goods. In this regard, the recent severe gasoline shortage has crippled the nation. Medical emergencies and food distribution are further aggravated by the fuel shortage, thus intensifying the impacts of the pandemic. 

Finally, we hope the fact-finding mission will urge all governments, regardless of their political position, to review the unilateral measures that help human rights violations to persist and affect the whole population in Venezuela. It is the duty of everyone to uphold international law and provide justice.

Thank you, President.

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